Welcome Friend, I am delighted to have you here.

welcome! let's co create.


welcome! let's co create. 〰️

Hi, I’m Maddy!

Welcome to my corner of the internet.

I am so happy to have you here!

My hope is that you come here to feel inspired and supported.

Let’s get to know each other, shall we…

Madeline Walden Co. was born through passion, a big vision, and a deep soul desire to follow the entrepreneurial mindset that drives me to show up in this vast online space - specifically Instagram (that’s where I hang out most!).

Sharing online has been my creative outlet for as long as I can remember (probably since IG came about!).

After years of cultivating my own community, dabbling in social selling, and answering all the β€˜How-To’ questions for friends and family, I decided it was time to offer my support and guidance to entrepreneurs, business owners, and content creators.

My passion evolved into offering full-time Instagram Management services which include Content & Mindset Coaching, and Content Creation Services to those who are mainly using Instagram as their business & Marketing platform. My clients have a variety of backgrounds that range from copywriters, brand & business strategists, trauma therapists, naturopaths, holistic skin care practitioners, RMT’s, sleep consultants, Doula’s, parent / life coaches & photographers to real estate agents and pest control (wild right?!).

Many of my teachings and creations can be applied & used across most social platforms, not just IG.

With my support, you will get your time back so you can get back to doing why you started in the first place - TO BE IN YOUR LIFE.

Being with my husband & two boys is a high priority to me, and I know that you desire to be with the ones you love rather than trying to figure out the in’s and out’s of Instagram. Having IG support means you get to be in your business also with the confidence and knowing that your online presence is being managed by someone who GETS IT - Someone who takes great pride and attention to detail for your unique brand.

I am committed to ensuring my clients feel supported & guided during our time together.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for browsing my website. I am always grateful to expand my community & create intimate connections through this online space.

I can’t wait to work with you & support your brand and business!



My Services

VIP IG Coaching

Personalized Reel Creation

Full-Time IG Management

Part-Time IG Management

Canva Creations

Workshops & Digital Product Downloads