Hi, I’m Maddy!

The Creator behind Madeline Walden Co.

If you are reading this, you and I probably both share a big vision goal.

That goal involves implementing a passionate approach of monetizing Instagram & Social apps to bring that vision to life.

Here’s my short & sweet backstory on how this venture came about, so you can better understand who I am and what it is I have set out to do with this business of mine….

First off, I am a free-spirit who loves beautiful aesthetics, marching to the beat of my drum, travel, nature, gardening and loving up on those around me. I am a Mom of two beautiful young children, who have been a huge motivator of this entrepreneur lifestyle.

What started as a desire for community & aligned friendship turned into 5k + followers. (Not overnight!)

My original purpose for getting on this app was to find a community where I felt included and where I could cultivate true authentic aligned friendships.

This community that I started nurturing went from 1, 2, 3, 4k to 5k followers…


I started to share MY personal journey.

My process, the emotions, the hardships, the ups, the downs, the all around’s & the joys…


Truth - I felt lonely.

Have you felt this way?

I was in a fresh new chapter of my life & I wanted to feel a connection with people that could relate to what I was going through.

I wasn’t selling anything.

I didn’t have anything aesthetically β€˜pleasing’ or pretty to share.

It was just one of the biggest, most transformational chapters of my life.

One that I wanted to share with the world, because I was so proud & completely in my element.

I connected organically.
I wasn’t selling anything.
I made quality friendships.
I landed a job I found on IG.
I started to run social media accounts.
I became a brand rep for a company I aligned with.

I taught others behind the scenes for free.
I implemented the tools (editing photos, using presets, sharing music to stories, creating in Canva, and more).

I shared the β€˜how to's' of these tools.
I pivoted & I knew what to prioritize.

I over shared at times, got uncomfortable, stepped outside of my comfort zone & back. I did this, so I could activate & create THIS community and create a career built on the foundation of passion.

I evolved to create this account Madeline Walden Co.

Everything I did was done with purpose & intentionality.

From the inception of one account, to the birth of a new one, I was willing to put myself out there in NEW ways that I had never done before.

Truly, I didn’t land on what I was doing, until I was actually actively doing it.

Doing THIS.

Instagram support services for entrepreneurs just like you.

Entrepreneurs who desire a lifestyle of freedom & organic community to grow THEIR passion, much like your brand and business.

What started as a hobby turned into a lucrative business & career that I am so proud of.

I put in the hours before getting paid, using a skill set that I had mastered over time - A mix of admin work + a whole lot of passion.

I showed up when no one was watching, until there was one, 5 and then 5 thousand.

I had this blurry vision of what I wanted to create, until it revealed itself.

Until this business was born out of something - Everything that I am.

This is why I am here today to help YOU share your product, service or offering online in a way that feels authentic & aligned.

Remember, it’s about you too.

If you show up with dedication, your success will be inevitable.

Every single one of my services and offerings are ones I have been providing clients for the past years, and I am excited to offer them to anyone who steps into my world with the same quest and passion to market their products, services, impact and visions online.
